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We continue traditional production and modernize.

Since 1920, when the company was founded, the machines used in the factory were not only purchased, but were primarily manufactured in-house. Interestingly, these machines can still be found in Mercury today, and are even used for production. With the growth and popularity of the kits, production expanded and new machines were purchased. After the Second World War, when the factory was nationalized and the production of kits was only an associated production of the Broumov metalworks, the Merkur brand lived only by its essence and did not develop. After the Velvet Revolution, an attempt was made to revive the factory and production, but without modernisation of production and innovation of the programme, the brand was essentially doomed to extinction.

Currently, production is undergoing a modernisation of the machinery. Production technologies and processes are being streamlined and traditional products have been given the charm of new technologies closer to the younger generation. 



Okružní 781

Nehvizdy 250 81

Czech republic

CIN 28400542​

VAT CZ28400542

+420 739 390 615

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v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 138835

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